15. Security & Technology

At the Port of Algeciras Bay Authority, we monitor the security of our facilities with state-of-the-art technology. Our port facilities, adapted Ship and Port Facility Protection (ISPS), comply with the requirements of the international Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention.

With the co-operation of US Customs Service, we recently brought the Container Security Initiative (CSI) into force, whose aim is to combat illegal trafficking and prevent terrorist activity in any shape or form. The Port of Algeciras has been also a pioneer in the application of the Megaport Initiative, developed to detect radioactive hazards.

At the same time, our commitment to innovation has led APBA to develop an I+D+I initiative together with the Spanish Ports Department: an Automatic Monitoring, Prediction and Alert System that we have called SAMPA. This is a tool that enables us to reduce the uncertainty caused by oceanic and meteorological variables on ports and shipping and thus manage our port facilities with greater efficiency, safety and sustainability.

Technology and innovation have a special importance in port security matters.

The Port Authority facilities are very high-tech. Our port premises are connected by a fibre-optic and CCTV network, to monitor port operations, together with a whole array of radar and communications systems.

The Port Emergency Centre is another service that demonstrates the heightened security of our facilities. Run by the Port Police service, all the buildings and port premises managed by our Port Authority are monitored around the clock from here. The system has enabled us to centralise control operations from one place through one of the most advanced communication networks in Spain.
